The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in paradise, where he lives a peaceful life as a doctor with his wife and two daughters. 25 years later, the two are reunited to face the family tragedy that separated them.
视频更新时间:2023-12-26 15:28
影片导演:Jimena Monteoliva
影片演员:Justina Bustos Cecilia Cartasegna Querelle Delage Luis Machín Guillermo Pfening
剧情介绍:Jimena Monteoliva 导演执导的《杀死恶龙》,该影片在2019其它发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, HD,由Justina Bustos Cecilia Cartasegna Querelle Delage Luis Machín Guillermo Pfening 等主演的一部不错的其它的恐怖片。
The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in paradise, where he lives a peaceful life as a doctor with his wife and two daughters. 25 years later, the two are reunited to face the family tragedy that separated them.
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